Following Counsel
Latter-day Counsel


Today the Lord is revealing his will to all the inhabitants of the earth, and to members of theChurch in particular, on the issues of our day through the living prophets, with the First Presidency at the head. What they say as a presidency is what the Lord would say if he were here in person. This is the rock foundation of Mormonism. So I repeat again, what the presidency say as a presidency is what the Lord would say if he were here, and it is scripture. Is should he studied, understood, and followed. Elder Marion G. Romney, Apr Conf, 1945

Today we are here because our ancestors listened to the counsel fo President Brigham Young and turned deaf ears to the pleadings of men like James J. Strang, Sidney Rigdon, and others who would have led us from the path of truth and right. I bear you my witness in all humility that if your children and my children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren remain faithful to this church, it will be because you and I remained steadfast in the testimony that these men are the prophets of the living God and that we must follow their counsel if we could be saved in the days of peril. Therefore, "stand ye in holy places and be not moved,". President Harold B. Lee, Stand Ye In Holy Places, p. 285