Video Games
Latter-day Counsel


Any film, television program, or video game, for that matter, that isn’t “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy” should not be allowed on our TV sets.
Joseph Walker, Church Public Communications Department, Ensign September 1990

Today, with ever-increasing demands on everyone and time in short supply, might we ask ourselves before we turn on the video game, the television, the computer, or access the many programs available, “Is this trip necessary?” Perhaps every person who is listening might also ask these questions of himself or herself and expect an honest reply: “Is the information I am receiving from this tool of learning edifying, and adding truth into my life? Are the hours I am investing an effective use of my valuable time? Does this computer game assist me in fulfilling my responsibilities and goals?” If the answer is not a resounding yes, then we should have the courage and determination to click the off button and direct our lives to more important tasks.
Harold G. Hillam, Presidency of the Seventy, Ensign, November, 1997

Through family activities, model the principles you wish you could discuss with your teenager. It is important to make home and family a fun place to be. Those “wholesome recreational activities” mentioned in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” need to emphasize noncompetition, interaction, and innocent laughing time. In my opinion, movies and videos which require no communication or interaction just don’t accomplish the same thing as a game of charades, for example.
Gawain Wells, Psychologist, Brigham Young University, Ensign July 2000

Just as we would never think of allowing uninsulated, exposed electrical wires in our homes for our children to tamper with, we must also insulate and control our family’s exposure to television, radio, movies, music, video and computer games, the Internet, magazines, and newspapers.
Liahona, February 2000